Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Kids Currency

I have had several people tell me over the years that you have to discover what your child's "currency" is and use that as a consequence when they don't do what they know they should.

For example, my stepsons LOVE video games beyond anything. They are also highly picky eaters. So we've always told them they have to try one bite of food. If they make the choice not to, then they are choosing to go without video games for the rest of the day, plus the following morning.  If they don't like the food after that first bite I really don't care. I just want them to try it once.  This is especially important now that I have two other incredibly sensory sensitive children who have major issues with food. I get their older brothers to set the example for their siblings.

With my little kids, especially those with communication issues, I have a hard time identifying what their "currency" is.  I've told them in the past that they couldn't do certain things if they didn't take a bite and they were like "okay. I'm totally fine starving."

So today I'm trying something new with Rose. She is addicted to pb & j sandwiches. So I told her if she didn't go practice her piano today I wouldn't make her one for lunch. She's in there practicing right now.  We'll see how long this lasts.

Have any of you identified what your kids' "currency" is? If so, what is it?

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