Friday, October 31, 2014

Making Memories

When I learned that I had "signs of MS" almost two months ago my priorities were tossed out the window and the fears set in. I have way too active of an imagination and I started worrying about what would happen to my family if I died as young as my maternal grandfather did.  (Bad thing to do by the way. Never give into your imagination.)  I started realizing that if I only had 8 years to live then Rose would be only 14 when I passed away. Cyprus would be 12 and little Juniper would be 11. (Again, bad thing to think about.)

There has been one benefit though from realizing how fleeting life might be. Suddenly, life became more about making memories with my kids. So when my daughter decided she wanted to be Rarity from My Little Pony - Equestria Girls movie and that Mommy had to be Twilight Sparkled, then I decided to help make that happen. I don't normally dress up for Halloween (usually because I'm too tired getting the kids ready to even imagine what I could/should be). So I went on Pintrest (and I'm not a Pintrest-type person) and found someone who'd already come up with suggestions on how to make a little girl into a Pony whose gone to an alternate reality to become a teenage human girl. 

Last week we had a Halloween party at church and as I was helping Rose to get ready she turned to me and said, "You are the best Mommy ever!"

So is it worth it? Yes. I still don't know what is going on with my body, but no matter what I will do what I can to make memories with my kids, whether I'm here for 5 years or 50.  And that is why I will be dressing up as Twilight Sparkles and going trick or treating with my kids tonight instead of passing out candy. Because its the memories that matter most.

Happy Halloween everyone!!!

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