Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Inventions I'm grateful for while potty training . . .

One of the top banes of parenthood has to be the dreaded season of potty training. Silly me decided to try two kids at once - and both boys at that.  We've had our ups and downs, but there are certain inventions that are making this process endurable. They include, but are not limited to:

1) Febreze - Enough said
2) Lysol - Okay ditto
3) Glade Candles - Do you get the point
4) Patience - I'm still looking for an unlimited supply of this (and preferably on sale too)
5) Bubbles - Instant reward for any little boy
6) Red Starburst - One of the few treats my little Cyprus will eat (for some reason I have a kid opposed to sweets)
7) YouTube - When you are forced to have potty time on a potty chair anywhere using a device with YouTube on it can give the potty trainee enough distraction to do the deed
8) Kindle - See above invention
9) Washers & Dryers & Carpet Cleaners - For when accidents abound
10) Smiles & Cheers - The best inventions are free and can really make a little ones day

So what are some tips, tricks or tools that you have used to survive this horrid of seasons?

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