Candid moment here. . . .I am afraid of the dentist. I have crappy teeth. I brush my teeth. I've gotten a lot better at flossing daily and I always go to the dentist. But no matter how hard I take care of my teeth I usually still end up with cavities, needing root canals, etc. Between that and the fact that my kids have special needs I am terrified to bring my kids to the dentist. It took four years for me to be willing to bring Rose. And then the second time I brought her she actually had a cavity. She did great, but I keep waiting for the meltdowns. We went for our regular checkup this week and I am happy and proud to say that for once neither of us actually had any cavities, though Rose is working on getting way too many adult teeth all at once.
But here is the true confession, because of my paranoia about what might happen I haven't even brought Cyprus or Juniper to the dentist, even once. Cyprus is Autistic and we've just learned that Juniper is showing signs of Autism and ADHD. So the thought of taking them to a dentist where they have to have x-rays of their teeth while sitting still in a room full of strangers is enough to make this Mom go a little sensory avoidance herself and want to curl in a ball in a corner.
My awesome dentist has offered to have an initial visit where Cyprus can just look around, play in the chair and greet everyone, but I'm still honestly working up the courage. One of these days I will get there. I know how important it is to take care of your teeth. I just have to be able to handle it first.
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