Friday, May 30, 2014

Happy Dance - Last Day of School

I'm so weird. I've been so hyper this morning singing out "Last day of school. Last day of school. Hooray Hurrah" but its not why you think.  I am actually terrified of summer with its two and a half months of three little kids at home.

I love and adore my kids. They are amazing, brilliant, talented and very strong willed and I'm a person who sucks at conflict.

When I learned that two of my kids were showing developmental delays I went through lots of guilt wondering if somehow I caused it. But thanks to an awesome psychologist working with the Kids on the Move program I learned that I wasn't helping anyone, especially me or my kids, by figuring out who was to blame.  So I started focusing on what I could do to help my kids thrive in life. And in the end that meant getting them into the special needs preschool.

When we first met with the teacher and her team of fantastic therapists I felt a sudden relief and immediately thanked them for the help I knew they were going to provide. Now someone who knew what they were doing could teach my kids in a way that they would understand.  I'm glad to help the teachers in anyway and to work with my kids at home as I can, but they're the experts and I love them.

One of the awesome side effects of having the kids accepted into the preschool was that my kids got to start going to school when they were three instead of five. As such I have been totally spoiled during the school year. It has given me a few much needed hours to regroup myself and to spend time with Juniper.

So then why I am so ecstatic that today is the last day of school when I won't have those hours of respite anymore.  Because Rose just completed kindergarten which means. . . . she gets to start first grade next year, which means . . . she will be in school all day.  YEAH!!!!!!  With people trained to teach her in a way that she can connect with.  DOUBLE YEAH!!!!!!   And she gets to be in a class with some of the same friends she met this year.  TRIPLE YEAH!!!!!  (angels singing in the background).

Happy last day of school everyone. And here's to the first day of school in August.  I'm so looking forward to meeting you.

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