The last few months have been more than a bit overwhelming, to the point that I've had multiple doctors make sure that I was on anti-depressants or anxiety medicine just because of what they heard was going on with my kids. I even had one doctor look at me and shake his head and say, "I honestly have no clue how you do it." At times like this I recall to mind what a cousin with an autistic son once posted on Facebook, "I didn't know there was a choice."
But, with the help of a lot of Santas' little elves who are making a Christmas happen that seriously would not otherwise happen, I've been reminded again why I care so much about my kids (even on the beyond hard days). It took me six years to have Rose. Six years of tests, treatments, and tears (not including all the shots multiple times a day and all the various medication I had to take to get pregnant and stay pregnant). I signed up to be a mom. With all its glorious poopy diapers, vomit encrusted pillows, hugs, laughter and twinkling eyes.
Yesterday was an extremely difficult day for me. I've had insomnia the last several nights and I was dealing with a massive migraine, my ACL joint is out of whack for a week now, my own sensory overload, and I have to wait until the new year kicks off before I can see the chiropractor again about my collar bone being dislocated thanks to maxed out insurance. My kids were literally bouncing off the walls and each other. Then, as the kids were being corralled up to bed full of tears, screams and tantrums, some amazing people came by to make sure we were going to have a Christmas. And they weren't the only ones. Through the last few weeks I've had people take me aside to make sure that we were okay and that the kids would have something to open Christmas Day. I even ran out of wrapping paper yesterday trying to wrap the two gifts we were able to get the kids ourselves. And by the end of the night we heard a knock on the door. I ran downstairs to find a roll of wrapping paper left by a friend and her family wishing us Happy Wrapping.
I sat down multiple times last night and cried. We are watched over. We are cared for. There are angels all around us. And its good to remember that I have three little angels with halos sometimes a skewed living right upstairs. I wanted them in my life and I went through hell to get them here. So like Bing Crosby in the movie White Christmas I started counting my blessings. Counting all the smiles, hugs, laughter and twinkling eyes that I've been blessed with over the last six and a half years. I wanted these children with all my heart, and I still do. They are my miracles, even when holidays mess with their routines and throw them out of sync.
And I'm grateful for all the wonderful friends, family, angels, and secret Santas in my life that make sure I remember the whys behind my life.
Suggestions that have helped me stay above water as a mother. Some names may have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Making Science Fun
I have this amazing friend from up in Washington who is a scientist. A year ago she came down to Utah to do a presentation for the teachers who came to Life, The Universe & Everything (LTUE) symposium. I got to sit in on her presentation and quickly bought her book after seeing her make science become fun through experimenting on candy. (To read my review of her book click here: Candy Experiments.)

I took the book home and started doing some of the experiments with my 6 year old daughter. Suddenly, my Rose wanted to become a scientist. She always wanted to do more and more candy experiments.
So when my friend asked me to trail test some recipes for her second book we jumped at the chance. We had SO much fun seeing if the beta recipes would work as expected or not. And I got to spend focused and engaging time with my Rose on something she loved. It doesn't get much better than that.
Well, this week the publisher sent me a copy of Loralee's sequel, Candy Experiments 2. As soon as I showed my daughter she went nuts. We've already done a Pop Rocks experiment and today I picked up some more supplies so we can do more. I even told Rose that if she would do everything I ask her to do in the morning, then when she got home from school we would do another experiment. Oh my gosh! It was the first day in months that she didn't fight me and did not throw tantrums.

So this is my book recommendation for parents and teachers out there. If you want to have a blast with you children, show them that science can be fun, and get rid of any excess of Halloween or Easter candy from your house, then you should really get these books and get right to work.
I took the book home and started doing some of the experiments with my 6 year old daughter. Suddenly, my Rose wanted to become a scientist. She always wanted to do more and more candy experiments.
So when my friend asked me to trail test some recipes for her second book we jumped at the chance. We had SO much fun seeing if the beta recipes would work as expected or not. And I got to spend focused and engaging time with my Rose on something she loved. It doesn't get much better than that.
Well, this week the publisher sent me a copy of Loralee's sequel, Candy Experiments 2. As soon as I showed my daughter she went nuts. We've already done a Pop Rocks experiment and today I picked up some more supplies so we can do more. I even told Rose that if she would do everything I ask her to do in the morning, then when she got home from school we would do another experiment. Oh my gosh! It was the first day in months that she didn't fight me and did not throw tantrums.

So this is my book recommendation for parents and teachers out there. If you want to have a blast with you children, show them that science can be fun, and get rid of any excess of Halloween or Easter candy from your house, then you should really get these books and get right to work.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Happy Surprises
I've posted before how eventful it is to try and feed our children. They are beyond picky. Well last night I made chili and cornbread knowing fully that my kids would not eat it. As such, I made quesadillas for the kids to eat, but I still included cornbread and a dab of chili on the plates. Halfway through dinner Juniper reaches over, grabs his dad's fork and starts eating the chili. Frank was so flabbergasted he actually turned giddy. I don't know which made me more happy--seeing my son eating something other than pizza, or pb&j, or watching his dad react. It made my day.
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